
Committing time to meeting, debating, listening and celebrating, whether formally at events or informally in networks, is building a bank of knowledge that is changing practice. More importantly, this directly contributes to improving the lives of older people.

Dominic Campbell, Co-Founder, Creative Aging

Date:                                                                    22nd  November 2021

Brain Health & Housing: Creativity, Connection, Community

The Global Brain Health Institute (GBHI) and Respond were delighted to co-host a series of seminars which will advance our understanding of brain health as it applies to housing design, care provision and homeless services.

The seminars brought together leading brain health and housing experts to examine:

  • The design of housing services in the context of aging and dementia.
  • Promoting brain health, across the life-course, and developing sustainable communities.
  • Equity, brain health and housing.
  • The human perspective of brain health issues for both housing service users and providers.

Dominic Campbell was one of the speakers and gave a talk entitled ‘A Choreography of Spirits: Building Future Healthcare from Intangible Heritage’.

Find out more about the Seminar