
Our commitment is to create and be part of collaborative events where people, by sharing insights and experience, develop new ways of doing and thinking together.
Bea Kelleher, Co-Founder of Creative Ageing

February 2018

Contemporary Jewish Museum, San Francisco

Global Brain Health Institute, The Alzheimers Association, Creative Aging San Francisco, Ruth’s Table, Aroha Philanthropies and The Arts Council of Ireland

Creating A New Old, San Francisco 2018

A one day deep dive into contemporary aging, the event was an inspiring celebration of the potential of us, the aging population.

This event was free to ensure finance was not a barrier to participation. We reached out to thought leaders, community practitioners, service providers and voluntary groups as well as members of the public. The event fully booked out in early January 2018.

As creative approaches are rewriting the traditions of ageing, providing vision, connecting institutions and communities, nurturing wellbeing, people came to see where the great big adventure of ageing might take us. We investigated, spoke to, sang about, danced to what is unique about aging today and asked  – who are the innovators creating tomorrow’s solutions?

Coverage of the day included an article in Next Avenue.

Read Next Avenue’s article on Creating A New Old

Watch our talks

Bruce Miller
Global Brain Health Institute and Director of the Memory Aging Center at UCSF Click here to see video

Gretchen Addi
Consultant and Designer-in-Residence Aging 2.0 Click here to see video

Carroll Estes & Nicolas di Carlo 
UCSF Click here to see video

Susan Hoffmann
Director, Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at UC Berkeley Click here to see video


Gretchen Addi
Gavin Barlow
The Albany
Anne Basting
Teresa Bonner
Aroha Philanthropies
Jerry W. Brown
Bethany Center
Dominic Campbell
Creative Aging International
Tim Carpenter
Jenn Chan
Senior Shower Project
William Cleveland
Center for the Study of Art and Community
Cathy Davis
Kate de Medeiros
Kelly Dearman
San Francisco In Home Supportive Services Public Authority
Penelope Douglas
CultureBank@ YBCA
Carroll Estes
Institute for Health & Aging at the University of California
Nicolas di Carlo 
Institute for Health & Aging at the University of California
Greacian Goeke
Cornell University
Kate Hoepke
San Francisco Village (SFV)
Susan Hoffmann
Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at UC Berkeley
Rachel Allen Lovett
Thriving in Place & ReImagine
Angie McAllister
Signature Healthcare Hometown
Jessica McCracken
Programming and Development , Ruth’s Table, Bethany Center Foundation
Bruce Miller
Memory and Aging Center UC San Francisco
Maura O’Malley
Lifetime Arts
Arti Prashar
Spare Tyre
Doniece Sandoval
Lava Mae
Karyn Skultety
Annabel Turpin
ARC Stockton
Adam Waskow
Memory Dog inc.

CMC Solera Singers of Mission Neighborhood Center

CMC’s Older Adult Choir Program partners with the Department of Aging and Adult Services (DAAS) and 12 senior centers throughout San Francisco.  CMC developed our Older Adult Choir Program to provide the many personal, social, artistic and quality of life benefits that musical activity can bring to older adults. The tuition-free choirs are designed specifically for older adults (ages 55 and above). The program has grown as choirs have cycled out of the Community of Voices research study led by University of California San Francisco (UCSF) in partnership with CMC and DAAS.

CMC Solera Singers of Mission Neighborhood Center

This choir for older adults is a collaboration between Community Music Center and the Mission Neighborhood Center. The choir sings songs in Spanish from Latin America and the class is taught bilingually in Spanish and English. Choir members practice, sing, help organize performances, and perform in the community.


VARIETY PACK!  is a collection of intrepid people from all walks of life, between the ages of 50 and 90 who come together to make music with their voices.  Retired,  re-invented, or forever working, many have never sung before, but wanted to tap into their creative side, shake loose, do something different.  Together, they learn choral skills, share challenges, give each other ideas and support, and dedicate our growing older time to new adventures in making and giving away beauty in song.  Creating a New Old enjoyed a cappella choral offering that was an inspiring mixture of world traditional music, American pop and Shape Note harmony.   Variety Pack’s Artistic Director, Lauren Carley can be reached at and seen at lcarley and on facebook: Joy of Singing.

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